About Us

The Brick Industry Association (BIA) is the national trade association representing manufacturers and distributors of clay brick and suppliers of related products and services. Since its founding in 1934, the association has been the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction.

BIA Mission Statement

"Promote and safeguard the clay brick industry."

Strategic Goals:

  • Promote the clay brick industry by providing tools to member companies to help increase sales and to differentiate brick from other wall cladding materials.
  • Safeguard the clay brick industry by helping to ensure that member companies can operate and produce brick in the most conducive legislative and regulatory environment possible.

BIA Regions and Councils

BIA National is comprised of select geographic regions and several local councils. Under the BIA umbrella, there are two geographic regions as well as several brick councils that are governed by their own Board of Directors, deploy their own externally focused, region-wide programming and set their own assessment levels. Most companies in local councils pay dues to BIA National, but membership is open to all companies who have a vested interest in the success of the clay brick industry.

Regions and Councils


Programs & Services

Brick in Architecture Awards

Every year the brick industry conducts a national competition to select and showcase the best examples of the use of brick in architecture. The competition is done in conjunction with the editors of Architect magazine, who convene a panel of architects for the judging. The winners are featured in an issue of Brick in Architecture and in the Brick Gallery.

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Research & Engineering Services

BIA engineers provide technical support services to members and users of brick. More than 5,000 requests for such assistance are handled annually. BIA's Technical Notes on Brick Construction, E&R Digests, computer programs, and an extensive array of design and construction guides are developed to assist designers and promote the use of brick masonry. The Technical Notes are the most popular pages on BIA's website, delivering design, detailing and construction information developments in brick masonry to over 80,000 visitors each month.

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Advocacy Activities

BIA represents the legislative and regulatory interests of the membership on Capitol Hill, at the White House, with Executive Branch departments, and federal agencies. BIA represents the industry in all model building code forums and on national standards committees, protecting member interests and transferring technological developments in masonry into codes and standards.

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Continuing Education

BIA is proud to offer free brick masonry resources, online courses, and information that is not available anywhere else. BIA provides educational opportunities for both industry professionals, as well as exclusive resources for BIA members. Check out our free online, on-demand courses:

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BIA provides a broad range of programs and services that fulfill its mission of promoting and safeguarding the clay brick industry. BIA promotes the industry through education programs like online training classes; market research including production, shipment and other data; publications such as Technical Notes on Brick Construction, Brick in Architecture and Builder Notes; and promotional programs such as public relations, advertising and a national architectural awards competition. BIA safeguards the industry through comprehensive advocacy and compliance efforts at the federal and state levels; representation in all model building code forums and national standards committees; and local advocacy programs that educate local planning and elected officials about clay brick. BIA offers many resources and tools exclusively to members. We offer a variety of tiers to choose from. Learn more about what BIA can do for your company. Contact us to learn more.

Manufacturer Member Benefits

Clay brick manufacturing companies joining as a member of BIA’s National Sector enjoy the following member benefits:

Expert Technical Staff Support

Member companies enjoy unlimited support of BIA’s expert technical staff at no additional cost.  BIA staff are available to provide guidance on any clay brick technical or construction related problem or question regarding brick construction and answer regulatory compliance, building code and health and safety questions.  As a brick manufacturer, having an expert available at no additional cost to answer compliance questions related to the EPA’s Brick MACT is an extremely valuable member benefit. BIA staff can also assist in arranging meetings on Capitol Hill with your elected Senators and Congressmen/women on any industry or company specific issue or legislative matter.  

BIA staff support is an important benefit to all members but even more so for smaller companies that many times cannot afford to have engineers, architects, lobbyists and other specialists on their payroll.  

Unlimited Online Training

Another benefit of National Sector manufacturer membership is the unlimited access of BIA’s highly regarded online education classes.  Member companies can train all their employees on essential aspects of the clay brick industry from manufacturing to dealing with job site problems to comparing brick with other competing wall cladding materials.  In addition, member employees can participate in quarterly live webinars about important topics related to the clay brick industry. All these valuable training materials are included with BIA’s manufacturer membership at no additional cost.  

Networking Means Sales Opportunities

As a manufacturer member, your employees can attend National Sector spring and fall meetings and learn about the important work BIA is doing and can also network with other BIA members including the CEOs of our member companies.  This level of access to the clay brick industry’s decision makers is only available to BIA National Sector members.

Program Committees

BIA values and actively solicits member involvement and participation in determining the focus and direction of the programs and services it provides.  One of the best ways for BIA staff to get this direction and feedback is for a manufacturer member employee to be a voting member of one of BIA’s program committees. Learn more

Recognition in the Brick in Architecture Awards Competition

BIA produces an annual multipage color insert in Architect Magazine of all Brick in Architecture Award winners.  The insert in Architect Magazine will be seen by over 78,000 architects in print and another 29,000 architects digitally.  As a BIA manufacturer member, if your company produced the brick used in a winning project, the project and your company will get valuable exposure to more than 107,000 architects across the United States.  BIA does not promote the names of non-member companies associated with award winning projects.

Member Company Listing on BIA’s Website 

All National Sector manufacturer member companies are included on the membership list on this website so that users of the site looking to purchase brick will only be directed to member companies. 

Industry Specific Production, Shipments & Other Data & Statistics

National Sector manufacturer members have full, unlimited access to restricted data and reports that BIA provides only to members.  Examples include: Monthly Brick Production & Shipment Report, Monthly Brick per Permit Report, Annual Industry Report, Market Share Reports that calculate your company’s percentage of brick shipped by state, by any group of states and nationally and includes your company’s market ranking.  BIA also provides members with market intelligence information such as RSMeans residential and non-residential installation costs for brick and other competing wall cladding materials by ZIP Code. None of this information is sold or released to non-members. The only way to get this valuable information is to join BIA as a distributor, manufacturer or premium contributing associate member of the National Sector.  

Advocacy & Lobbying to Safeguard the Industry

One of the most important aspects of BIA’s mission is the safeguarding of the clay brick industry. BIA has a strong advocacy and lobbying program at the federal level and provides more limited support at the state and local levels, including building codes and standards.  Click here for more information on BIA Advocacy & Lobbying efforts.

Brick News Online

All BIA National Sector manufacturer member employees receive our monthly electronic membership newsletter of industry news, statistics, upcoming meetings, issues important to the industry and work BIA is doing to promote and safeguard the industry as well as activities of other members.  Only member company employees are eligible to receive the monthly newsletter.

Try BIA Membership Risk Free

Membership does not require a long-term commitment.  There is no minimum membership period and manufacturer member dues are paid on a monthly basis.  Join BIA today and experience first-hand the many benefits and value your company will receive from being a member.  If you conclude your company is not receiving appropriate value from its BIA membership, simply notify us in writing that you are resigning and only owe dues through the end of the month such notification was received. This makes joining BIA and seeing all of the benefits of membership essentially a risk-free proposition.

Member of BIA Logos 

BIA National Sector members can proudly display BIA Member Logos their website and on any informational or promotional materials to demonstrate their commitment to help BIA to promote and safeguard the clay brick industry.  

Associate Manufacturer Member Benefits

Clay brick manufacturing companies qualifying to join as a member of BIA’s National Sector enjoy the following member benefits:


Associate Manufacturer Eligibility

Any business entity engaged in the manufacture of clay brick products in the United States and has total annual shipments of clay brick products equal to or less than 150 million Standard Brick Equivalents (SBE) qualifies to join BIA’s National Sector as an Associate Manufacturer (AM) Member.    

Expert Technical Staff Support

AM member companies have limited support of BIA’s expert technical staff in exchange for due discounts.  BIA staff are available to provide guidance on any clay brick technical or construction related problem or question regarding brick construction and answer regulatory compliance, building code and health and safety questions.  As a brick manufacturer, having an expert available at no additional cost to answer compliance questions related to the EPA’s Brick MACT is an extremely valuable member benefit. BIA staff can also assist in arranging meetings on Capitol Hill with your elected Senators and Congressmen/women on any industry or company specific issue or legislative matter.  

BIA staff support is an important benefit to all members but even more so for smaller companies that many times cannot afford to have engineers, architects, lobbyists and other specialists on their payroll.  An AM member in good standing will receive up to the following annual number of hours of free support from BIA staff (advocacy, compliance & engineering) based on the shipment ranges below:

  • Shipments (in 000s SBEs) from 1 to 15,000:   15 Hours of Staff Support
  • Shipments (in 000s SBEs) from 15,001 to 50,000:   20 Hours of Staff Support
  • Shipments (in 000s SBEs) from 50,001 to 150,000: 25 Hours of Staff Support

Networking Means Sales Opportunities  

AM members are welcome and encouraged to attend BIA’s spring and fall meetings.  AMs will learn about the important work BIA is doing by attending these meetings and can also network with other BIA members including the CEOs of our distributor and manufacturer member companies at these meetings.  This level of access to the leaders in the industry is only available to BIA members.

Program Committees

Because of the significant dues discount AM members receive from the level of dues paid by “full” manufacturer members, AMs cannot participate on any of BIA’s program committees. Learn more

Recognition in the Brick in Architecture Awards Competition

BIA produces an annual multipage color insert in Architect Magazine of all Brick in Architecture Award winners.  The insert in Architect Magazine will be seen by over 78,000 architects in print and another 29,000 architects digitally.  As a BIA AM member, if your company produced the brick used in a winning project, the project and your company will get valuable exposure to more than 107,000 architects across the United States.  BIA does not promote the names of non-member companies associated with award winning projects.

Member Company Listing on BIA’s Website

All National Sector AM member companies are included on the membership list on this website so that users of the site looking to purchase brick will only be directed to member companies. 

Industry Specific Production, Shipments & Other Data & Statistics

BIA is a one stop source of information related to clay brick industry.  This member benefit is especially significant since the US Census Bureau has stopped reporting industry specific information making BIA the sole source for this information.  AM members have the option to purchase the following reports six months after their original issue date:

  • Monthly Production & Shipment Reports
  • Monthly Brick Statistics & Permits by State Reports
  • Annual Brick Industry Reports

Advocacy & Lobbying to Safeguard the Industry

One of the most important aspects of BIA’s mission is the safeguarding of the clay brick industry. BIA has a strong advocacy and lobbying program at the federal level and provides more limited support at the state and local levels, including building codes and standards.  Click here for more information on BIA Advocacy & Lobbying efforts.

Brick News Online

All BIA National Sector AM member employees receive our monthly electronic membership newsletter of industry news, statistics, upcoming meetings, issues important to the industry and work BIA is doing to promote and safeguard the industry as well as activities of other members.  Only member company employees are eligible to receive the monthly newsletter.

Try BIA Membership Risk Free

Membership does not require a long-term commitment.  There is no minimum membership period and AM member dues are paid on a monthly basis.  Join BIA today and experience first-hand the many benefits and value your company will receive from being a member.  If you conclude your company is not receiving appropriate value from its BIA membership, simply notify us in writing that you are resigning and only owe dues through the end of the month such notification was received. This makes joining BIA and seeing all of the benefits of membership essentially a risk-free proposition.

Member of BIA Logos 

BIA National Sector members can proudly display BIA Member Logos their website and on any informational or promotional materials to demonstrate their commitment to help BIA to promote and safeguard the clay brick industry.  

Associate Manufacturer Dues

AM members shipping up to 15 million SBE annually receive a 65% dues discount; AMs with shipments up to 50 million SBE annually receive a 40% dues discount and AMs with shipments up to 150 million SBE annually receive a 20% dues discount from the dues level paid by a full manufacturer member.    

Distributor Member Benefits

Clay brick distributor companies joining as a member of BIA’s National Sector enjoy the following member benefits:

Expert Technical Staff Support

Member companies enjoy unlimited support of BIA’s expert technical staff at no additional cost.  BIA staff are available to provide guidance on any clay brick technical or construction related problem or question regarding brick construction and answer regulatory compliance, building code and health and safety questions.  As a brick distributor, having an expert available at no additional cost to answer compliance questions related to OSHA’s new silica rule is an extremely valuable member benefit. BIA staff can also assist in arranging meetings on Capitol Hill with your elected Senators and Congressmen/women on any industry or company specific issue or legislative matter.  

BIA staff support is an important benefit to all members but even more so for smaller companies that many times cannot afford to have engineers, architects, lobbyists and other specialists on their payroll.  

Unlimited Online Training

Another benefit of National Sector distributor membership is the unlimited access of BIA’s highly regarded online education classes.  Member companies can train all their employees on essential aspects of the clay brick industry from manufacturing to dealing with job site problems to comparing brick with other competing wall cladding materials.  In addition, member employees can participate in quarterly live webinars about important topics related to the clay brick industry. All these valuable training materials are included with BIA’s Distributor membership at no additional cost.  

Networking Means Sales Opportunities 

As a distributor member, your employees can attend National Sector spring and fall meetings and learn about the important work BIA is doing and can also network with other BIA members including the CEOs of our member companies.  This level of access to the clay brick industry decision makers is only available to BIA National Sector members.

Program Committees

BIA values and actively solicits member involvement and participation in determining the focus and direction of the programs and services it provides.  One of the best ways for BIA staff to get this direction and feedback is for a distributor member employee to be a voting member of one of BIA’s program committees. Learn more

Recognition in the Brick in Architecture Awards Competition

BIA produces an annual multipage color insert in Architect Magazine of all Brick in Architecture Award winners.  The insert in Architect Magazine will be seen by over 78,000 architects in print and another 29,000 architects digitally.  As a BIA distributor member, if your company sold the brick used in a winning project, the project and your company will get valuable exposure to more than 107,000 architects across the United States.  BIA does not promote the names of non-member companies associated with award winning projects.

Member Company Listing on BIA’s Website 

All National Sector distributor member companies are included on the membership list of this website so that users of the site looking to purchase brick will be directed to member companies.  

Industry Specific Production, Shipments & Other Data & Statistics

National Sector distributor members have full, unlimited access to restricted data and reports that BIA provides to members only.  This information is not sold or released to non-members. The only way to get this valuable information is to join BIA as a distributor, manufacturer or premium contributing associate member of the National Sector.  

Advocacy & Lobbying to Safeguard the Industry

One of the most important aspects of BIA’s mission is the safeguarding of the clay brick industry. BIA has a strong advocacy and lobbying program at the federal level and provides more limited support at the state and local levels, including building codes and standards.  Click here for more information on BIA Advocacy & Lobbying efforts.

Brick News Online

All BIA National Sector distributor member employees receive our monthly electronic membership newsletter of industry news, statistics, upcoming meetings, issues important to the industry and work BIA is doing to promote and safeguard the industry as well as activities of other members.  Only member company employees are eligible to receive the monthly newsletter. 

Member of BIA Logos 

BIA National Sector members can proudly display BIA Member Logos their website and on any informational or promotional materials to demonstrate their commitment to help BIA to promote and safeguard the clay brick industry

Premium Contributing Associate Member Benefits

Any business entity engaged in the furtherance of the clay brick industry but not as a distributor or manufacturer is eligible to become a Premium Contributing Associate (PCA) Member of BIA and enjoy the following member benefits:

Expert Technical Staff Support

PCA member companies enjoy unlimited support of BIA’s expert technical staff at no additional cost.  BIA staff are available to provide guidance on any clay brick technical or construction related problem or question regarding brick construction and answer regulatory compliance, building code and health and safety questions.  For example, as a PCA member, having an expert available at no additional cost to answer compliance questions related to OSHA’s silica rule is an extremely valuable member benefit. BIA staff can also assist in arranging meetings on Capitol Hill with your elected Senators and Congressmen/women on any industry or company specific issue or legislative matter.  

BIA staff support is an important benefit to all members but even more so for smaller companies that many times cannot afford to have engineers, architects, lobbyists and other specialists on their payroll.  

Unlimited Online Training

Another benefit of National Sector PCA membership is the unlimited access of BIA’s highly regarded online education classes.  PCA member companies can train all their employees on essential aspects of the clay brick industry from manufacturing to dealing with job site problems to comparing brick with other competing wall cladding materials.  In addition, member employees can participate in quarterly live webinars about important topics related to the clay brick industry. All these valuable training materials are included with BIA’s PCA membership at no additional cost.  

Networking Means Sales Opportunities

PCA members are welcome and encouraged to attend BIA’s spring and fall meetings.  PCAs will learn about the important work BIA is doing by attending these meetings and can also network with other BIA members including the CEOs of our distributor and manufacturer member companies at these meetings.  This level of access to the leaders in the industry is only available to BIA members.

Program Committees

BIA values and actively solicits member involvement and participation in determining the focus and direction of the programs and services it provides.  One of the best ways for BIA staff to get this direction and feedback is for a PCA member employee to be a voting member of one of BIA’s program committees. Learn more

Recognition in the Brick in Architecture Awards Competition

BIA produces an annual multipage color insert in Architect Magazine of all Brick in Architecture Award winners.  The insert in Architect Magazine will be seen by over 78,000 architects in print and another 29,000 architects digitally.  As a BIA PCA member, if your company is associated with a winning project, the project and your company will get valuable exposure to more than 107,000 architects across the United States.  BIA does not promote the names of non-member companies associated with award winning projects.

Member Company Listing on BIA’s Website  

All National Sector PCA member companies are included on the membership list on this website so that users of the site looking to purchase brick will only be directed to member companies. 

Industry Specific Production, Shipments & Other Data & Statistics

National Sector PCA members have full, unlimited access to restricted data and reports that BIA provides to only to members.  This information is not sold or released to non-members. The only way to get this valuable information is to join BIA as a distributor, manufacturer or premium contributing associate member of the National Sector. 

Brick News Online

All BIA National Sector PCA member employees receive our monthly electronic membership newsletter of industry news, statistics, upcoming meetings, issues important to the industry and work BIA is doing to promote and safeguard the industry as well as activities of other members.  Only member company employees are eligible to receive the monthly newsletter. 

Member of BIA Logos  

BIA National Sector members can proudly display BIA Member Logos their website and on any informational or promotional materials to demonstrate their commitment to help BIA to promote and safeguard the clay brick industry.  

Contributing Associate Member Benefits

Any business entity engaged in the furtherance of the clay brick industry but not as a distributor or manufacturer is eligible to become a Contributing Associate (CA) Member of BIA and enjoy the following member benefits:

Networking Means Sales Opportunities  

CA members are welcome and encouraged to attend BIA’s spring and fall meetings.  CAs will learn about the important work BIA is doing by attending these meetings and can also network with other BIA members including the CEOs of our distributor and manufacturer member companies at these meetings.  This level of access to the leaders in the industry is only available to BIA members.

Program Committees

BIA values and actively solicits member involvement and participation in determining the focus and direction of the programs and services it provides.  One of the best ways for BIA staff to get this direction and feedback is for a CA member employee to be a voting member of one of BIA’s program committees. Learn more

Recognition in the Brick in Architecture Awards Competition

BIA produces an annual multipage color insert in Architect Magazine of all Brick in Architecture Award winners.  The insert in Architect Magazine will be seen by over 78,000 architects in print and another 29,000 architects digitally.  As a BIA CA member, if your company is associated with a winning project, the project and your company will get valuable exposure to more than 107,000 architects across the United States.  BIA does not promote the names of non-member companies associated with award winning projects.

Member Company Listing on BIA’s Website  

All National Sector CA member companies are included on the membership list on this website so that users of the site looking to purchase brick will only be directed to member companies. 

Brick News Online

All BIA National Sector CA member employees receive our monthly electronic membership newsletter of industry news, statistics, upcoming meetings, issues important to the industry and work BIA is doing to promote and safeguard the industry as well as activities of other members.  Only member company employees are eligible to receive the monthly newsletter. 

Member of BIA Logos  

BIA National Sector members can proudly display BIA Member Logos their website and on any informational or promotional materials to demonstrate their commitment to help BIA to promote and safeguard the clay brick industry.